Diabetes Expo
On June 4th, 2014 we held our very first Diabetes Expo, and let me tell you, it was a HUGE success! We invited a number of patients, all of which have type 2 diabetes to sit down with experts, who were set up in stations around our pharmacy. These stations included: a naturapathic doctor (Dr. Alexis Reid from Ottawa Integrative Health Centre), a Certified Diabetes Educator/Pharmacist (Hanna Imad from Fallowfield Pharmasave), an optometrist (Dr. Scott McIntosh from Barrhaven Optometric Centre), a dietician (Meghan Barnes from Greenbelt Family Health Team), Brittany Antoine, performing A1C tests (representative of Bayer), and lastly, a certified pedorthist (Richard May from Healthy Steps Pedorthis Clinic). Patients rotated between the stations in a 360 degree manner spending approximately 20-25 minutes at each station. We talked about everything from A1C results (which we received almost instantaneously) to risks of hypoglycemia, to diet, to feet, eyes and so much more!!!
We hope to have this clinic more often, as interest has been huge! Keep checking back for updates on our next session, or call today and reserve your seat!