Fallowfield Pharmasave
1B-3500 Fallowfield Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K2J 4A7
P: 613.823.3500
F: 613.823.4040
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Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Sunday: CLOSED

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Pentoxifylline modifies three-dimensional collagen lattice model contraction and expression of collagen types I and III by human fibroblasts derived from post-burn hypertrophic scars and from normal skin

Isaac C, Mathor MB, Bariani G, Paggiaro AO, Herson MR, Goldenstein-Schainberg C, Carrasco S, Teodoro WR, Yoshinari NH, Ferreira MC. Burns. 2009 Aug;35(5):701-6. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2008.11.017. Epub 2009 Mar 19.


Faculty of Medicine, Cell Culture and Wound Healing Research Laboratory, Division of Plastic Surgery, University of São Paulo, Avenida Doutor Arnaldo 455 sala 1360, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. cesaris@plastica.fm.usp.br


Fibroblasts are thought to be partially responsible for the persisting contractile forces that result in burn contractures. Using a monolayer cell culture and fibroblast populated collagen lattice (FPCL) three-dimensional model we subjected hypertrophic scar and non-cicatricial fibroblasts to the antifibrogenic agent pentoxifylline (PTF – 1mg/mL) in order to reduce proliferation, collagen types I and III synthesis and model contraction. Fibroblasts were isolated from post-burn hypertrophic scars (HSHF) and non-scarred skin (NHF). Cells were grown in monolayers or incorporated into FPCL’s and exposed to PTF. In monolayer, cell number proliferation was reduced (46.35% in HSHF group and 37.73% in NHF group, p<0.0001). ptf=”” selectively=”” inhibited=”” collagen=”” iii=”” synthesis=”” in=”” the=”” hshf=”” group=”” while=”” inhibition=”” was=”” more=”” evident=”” to=”” type=”” i=”” nhf=”” also=”” reduced=”” contraction=”” both=”” and=”” fpcl=”” span=””>


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